To produce my photographic works that deal with color and simultaneously create a collective experience, I imagined an expedition across France (it will later be developed for the rest of Europe...)By systematically selecting all the names of villages and cities that include a color in them (ex: Fontenay aux roses, Noirmoutier, Orange, Blanc Mesnil...), I assume a trajectory that links each of these colored communities.
The singular itinerary established for this nomadic project, this artistic rally, this maneuver that does not use the usual circuits of cultural events, is the making of an offside journey. By provoking this "poetic raid", I want to try to extend a relational practice, to produce deeper inter-human relationships and trigger unpredictable and proliferating interactive situations. Each visited community can become an eventful stop of the journey. The trip will be made by a convoy of eight colored trucks. Yellow, red, green, blue, orange, pink, black, white, under the responsibility of a permanent team (driver, assistant...) who can eventually be replaced or enlarged along the way.
At each stop, the traveling collective will be reinforced by a local team. Beforehand, regional artists and diverse cultural organizations will have been contacted to reach me, facilitate our welcome and propose punctual happenings (concerts, performances, various improvised events, dances, games, meetings, debates, radio shows, T.V. coverage...).
The population, informed of our arrival by the local media, the press, FR3, radio, posters, leaflets, but especially by each city hall, schools, recreation committees, tourist offices..., contacted in advance, will be invited to gather around the convoy, dressed in the color of the village and carrying various objects and accessories of that same color in order to produce a photographic work inaugurating the specific festivities of each village. Also, a photo-video and film record of the whole event will be produced systematically so as to create a compilation of all the events of the trip.
The eight converted trucks could be obtained by corporate sponsorship (red truck Coca Cola, yellow truck PTT, white truck milk products, green truck Heineken...).
The DRACs, FRACs, art centers, art schools, ODACs, various cultural spaces, private galleries, music groups..., based in the regions or close to the villages of the programmed itinerary will be solicited to support the operation.
For this, it is necessary to dispose of a basic budget specific to the logistics of the journey (gas, maintenance, spending money, food, eventual lodging outside of the trucks, miscellaneous...) and of the technical operations (video, photo equipment, portable computer, videophone, telephone, sound system...), as well as a specific budget for the organization of the events at each stop. (The costs will vary according to the different festivities taken on by each community, and will also depend on local and municipal support).